A Simple Farewell

Simple announced that BBVA is shutting them down after 11 years of operation, and 6 years after they acquired them.

Simple is high on the list of consumer web products I’ve cherished over the last decade. I learned so much about customer service, company culture, and how an acquisition can cause the unfortunate slow death of a company and its ethos.

It wasn’t all great, though. The last few years have been painful — botched migrations, outages poorly communicated, and customer service lines that were overloaded and pushed customers away instead of welcoming them in.

Still bummed to see them go. Making the switch to.. Chase? :(

January 7, 2021 acquisition finance tech

Bundling & Unbundling

Whether digital or physical, people actually like bundles, because they supply a legible social structure and simplify the complexity presented by a paralyzing array of consumer choices.

December 25, 2020 real-life-mag tech kneeling-bus


December 11, 2020 homescreenshots

Cross-Country Cannonball Record Broken

The crew that drove a disguised Mercedes AMG in a recent Cannonball run made it from coast to coast in a record 27.5 hours at a blistering and terrifying average speed of 103 mph. The car was outfitted with a gimbaled thermal scope on the roof (for deer spotting, apparently), gyro-stabilized binoculars, a custom fuel cell and more.

Via The Prepared

December 16, 2019 cars video

Emotional Baggage

There’s much wrong here.

December 6, 2019 support startups culture dtc

Why are we all paying a tax to credit card companies?

The American payments system specifically has six fundamental pillars: cash, checks, credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, and the Automated Clearing House (ACH). They all developed separately, but they also overlap and support each other in fundamental ways. To understand how Visa and Mastercard are raking in so much cash, it’s helpful to get a sense of the underlying infrastructure on which they rely.”

November 16, 2019 finance payments


October 30, 2019 homescreenshots

Why Did The Boeing 737 Max Crash?

Outsourcing is a symptom of a larger move towards cost-cutting. Like many large bureaucracies, the aircraft industry is siloed by department. Instead of taking a comprehensive look at the system, managers analyze the business under a microscope. Each slice of the organization is responsible for minimizing their own costs instead of reducing costs for the organization at-large.

Systems, though, are interconnected. An improved engineering process can reduce the cost of designing or manufacturing a product. Rather than minimizing costs in isolation, Smith advised Boeing to take a bird’s-eye view of the manufacturing process. After all, one system-wide cost reduction is worth more than 20 small and isolated efficiency gains.

October 23, 2019 aviation failure